Main English page of site, devoted to author's elite and exclusive expert system, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite and exclusive consulting services. And at the same time this intellectual system is primitive quasi-alive creature, first prototype of intellectual computer systems, described in books written by Vasily Golovachev. What You can find out at my site. Main Russian page of the same site, devoted to elite and exclusive author's computer program - Partnership System ZORAN, which is basing upon new conception of artificial intelligence. ZORAN is expert system of new generation, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite consulting services.

Original - Copyright © 2001, 2003 Gennady N. Kon


  1. CARD CREATING: Enter DATA and CARD name correctly. All CARDS are saving at our server. You must remember Your CARD names if You are going to use CARD data afterwards. Internet-version is intended for evaluation and demonstrating purposes only, therefore old CARD data will be deleted by administrator periodically (one time per month or something about).

  2. Data input.


Select 'New card', enter CARD name and press enter or click 'START' button [LIST OF CONTENT]


For confirmation click CARD name [LIST OF CONTENT]


Enter Point name [LIST OF CONTENT]


Enter other necessary data ('Sum' and 'Probability' may be definite or fuzzy). In this internet-version all data, excluding 'Point name', 'Sum' and 'Probability', were intended to be incomplete. And in our local situation these data are ignored for calculations. After data input click 'SAVE' button - first event (point) will be saved in Your card and You will see it in read-only mode. [LIST OF CONTENT]


Read-only mode after first event (point) data input. In order to add new event (point) click 'Add string' and enter new data [LIST OF CONTENT]


Variant for unity of independent events (points). Such data You can enter without problems. [LIST OF CONTENT]

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