Main English page of site, devoted to author's elite and exclusive expert system, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite and exclusive consulting services. And at the same time this intellectual system is primitive quasi-alive creature, first prototype of intellectual computer systems, described in books written by Vasily Golovachev. What You can find out at my site. Main Russian page of the same site, devoted to elite and exclusive author's computer program - Partnership System ZORAN, which is basing upon new conception of artificial intelligence. ZORAN is expert system of new generation, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite consulting services.

Information about testing process for Partnership System ZORAN.

If You are interesting to know, how it was possible to do. It was real wonder. Because, usually it is impossible to get access to important financial information from side of stranger. And what is to do in this case? Testing process must be done using REAL data! And I was able to get over such situation!
So, I placed in my site a few groups of documents:

  1. Basic ideological document (in its last editing). I named it ''doctrine''. It was worked out in 1994 year for ''FUTURE MAN FOUNDATION'' public organization, and it was published in 1996 year to create Social Union ''Star Way Corporation''. And what? They were glad to read it. Process was beginning. I suggest this document to Your attention.

  2. 1.1. Ideological doctrine (in Russian language).

  3. Establishment agreement (including additional document) for Social Union ''Star Way Corporation'' (I was forced to create new public organization!), which was to realize testing process for Partnership System ZORAN.

  4. 2.1. Documents for creating of public organization (in Russian language).

  5. Documents (for example), which show different variants of cooperation between Social Union ''Star Way Corporation'' and organizations (citizens). I suggest to Your attention only single example from each sub-part.

  6. 3.1. Variant of cooperation with one of creators of Social Union ''Star Way Corporation'' (in Russian language). 3.2. Variant of cooperation with company from Saint-Petersburg (in Russian language).
    3.3. Variant of cooperation with company from Kirov city (in Russian language). 3.4. Variant of cooperation with Russian citizen from Saint-Petersburg (in Russian language).
    3.5. Variant of cooperation with Russian citizen from Kirov city (in Russian language). 3.6. Variant of cooperation with foreigner - citizen of Canada (in Russian language).

  7. Document, describing one of internal projects of Social Union ''Star Way Corporation'' - International Network for Advanced Technologies and Know-How (in English language).

  8. 4.1. International Network for Advanced Technologies and Know-How. Represented description is in English language.

  9. Testimonial about using of computer program Partnership System ZORAN from the side of Social Union ''Star Way Corporation''.

  10. 5.1. Testing results (in Russian language).

  11. Some commercial projects, offered for consultant's investigation to Social Union ''Star Way Corporation''. Computer program Partnership System ZORAN was used for all calculations.

  12. 6.1. Distribution of production from English pharmaceutical company. Represented documents are in English Language. 6.2. Distribution of computers from German company. Asking for supporting in foreign philanthropic organizations. Represented documents are in English Language.
    6.3. Distribution of oranges from Israel (in Russian language). 6.4. Trusting activity of Russian concern (in Russian language).

  13. Images of envelopes from letters sent to me from abroad.

  14. 7.1. In such envelopes I received letters.

At last I'd like to mention that in 1996-1997 years I calculated by means of Partnership System ZORAN moreover than 100 investment projects. And I was very glad to do it.

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