Main English page of site, devoted to author's elite and exclusive expert system, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite and exclusive consulting services. And at the same time this intellectual system is primitive quasi-alive creature, first prototype of intellectual computer systems, described in books written by Vasily Golovachev. What You can find out at my site. Main Russian page of the same site, devoted to elite and exclusive author's computer program - Partnership System ZORAN, which is basing upon new conception of artificial intelligence. ZORAN is expert system of new generation, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite consulting services.

Information about my FIRST experience of leading and organization work in COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION when I was occupying scientific research director post in Joint Stock ''ELANT'' (Experimental Laboratory for Approbation of New Technologies) in 1994-1997. Information of my first commercial intellectual computer systems ''Analytic'' and ''Business-Prognosis''. All documents here are in Russian.

If You are interesting to know, how can I confirm information represented in my resume. During mentioned time I cooperated with ''EILI'' company (from 1993 year) as specialist in the sphere of informational and educational technologies and at the same time I was occupying in ''ELANT'' company (from 1994 year) scientific research director post. It was my first leading position. Moreover, simultaneously it was first possibility to create commercial computer programs. I realized this possibility. Intellectual computer systems ''Analytic'' and ''Business-Prognosis'' were created under my leadership exactly. Excellent result!
In general, I placed here following groups of documents:

  1. Some documents with information of Joint Stock ''EILI'' and Joint Stock ''ELANT''.

  2. Testimonials, characteristics, informational list.
    Testimonial from Joint Stock ''EILI''. My characteristics from Joint Stock ''ELANT''. Testimonial from Joint Stock ''ELANT''. Informational list about Joint Stock ''ELANT''.

  3. Statements about inculcation of intellectual prognosis system ''Business-Prognosis'' into commercial structures. Official confirmation that this one is commercial product. Official confirmation of my participation in creating of system for symbolical transformations of mathematical formulas ''ANALYTIC'' (calculating center for computer program ''Business-Prognosis'') and intellectual prognosis system ''Business-Prognosis''. Official confirmation that computer program ''Business-Prognosis'' was created basing upon my dissertation work ''Elaboration of methodology of prognosis intellectual systems creating''.

  4. Statements about inculcation, document-confirmation.
    Statement of inculcation from Joint Stock ''EILI''. Document-confirmation from Joint Stock ''EILI''. Statement of inculcation from Joint Stock ''ELANT''.

  5. Information of system for symbolical transformations of mathematical formulas ''ANALYTIC''.

  6. Information of computer program ''ANALYTIC''.
    Page N1. Page N2.

  7. Information of intellectual prognosis system ''Business-Prognosis''.

  8. Information of computer program ''Business-Prognosis''.
    Our first license for our product. Article from the bank newspaper ''Nevskaya Assambleya''. One of publicity pages.
    One of publicity pages. One of publicity pages. One of publicity pages.

  9. Our offers to government of Saint-Petersburg: to create Saint-Petersburg Informational Center for Education (1994 year) and to include Joint Stock ''ELANT'' into project of informatization for North-Western region (1996 year) - this offer was created according to request from Department of Communication and Informatization in government of Saint-Petersburg.

  10. Our offers to government of Saint-Petersburg.
    Offer to create Saint-Petersburg Informational Center for Education. Our possible participation into project of informatization for North-Western region, page N1. Our possible participation into project of informatization for North-Western region, page N2. Our possible participation into project of informatization for North-Western region, page N3.

Thus, I got great experience in progress of leading work and creating of commercial products.

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