Main English page of site, devoted to author's elite and exclusive expert system, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite and exclusive consulting services. And at the same time this intellectual system is primitive quasi-alive creature, first prototype of intellectual computer systems, described in books written by Vasily Golovachev. What You can find out at my site. Main Russian page of the same site, devoted to elite and exclusive author's computer program - Partnership System ZORAN, which is basing upon new conception of artificial intelligence. ZORAN is expert system of new generation, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite consulting services.

Original - Copyright © 2000-2001, 2003 Gennady N. Kon

Classic business problems in simple examples and applied decisions based upon PARTNERSHIP SYSTEM "ZORAN" using

* IT IS IMPORTANT: all calculation formulas are creating by AI-system automatically, without user input *

  1. INTRODUCTION: Important features. Without this description it is impossible to understand Partnership System ZORAN possibilities.

  2. Main Partnership System ZORAN limited internet-version features. Without this description it is impossible to understand Partnership System ZORAN limited internet-version possibilities and work properly using this one.
    1. Card creating and data input. I tested limited internet-version of Partnership System ZORAN by means of Internet Explorer (v. 3.02) only.
    2. Errors detecting.
    3. Main limit in ZORAN internet-version.
    4. Data deleting.
      • How to delete event (point) from a unity. These features make it possible to modify data type (CARD), deleting old events (points) from it. In internet-version You can delete any chosen event (point), while in local ZORAN version You can delete events (points) in back order only.
    5. Data opening.
    6. Calculation process.

  3. COMPLEX BUSINESS DEPENDENCY (You can get some additional information about it from the page Know-How): Agriculture trade unity here is as suiatable example for dependent scheme. - (LOCAL ZORAN VERSION)
    • Input data. Here You can find out problem complex description
    • Output data. Generated by ZORAN and by author in ZORAN

  4. ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS STABILITY WHEN INCOME IS DECREASING IN PROGRESS: Internet-consulting firm here is as suitable example for paradoxial positive result. (LOCAL ZORAN VERSION)
    1. Input data. It is necessary to enter manually these data into local Partnership System ZORAN version.
    2. Output data.

  5. INTERNET REALIZATION FOR PREVIOUS BUSINESS TASK. ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS STABILITY WHEN INCOME IS DECREASING IN PROGRESS: Internet-consulting firm here is as suitable example for paradoxial positive result.
    1. Common input data - the same data from previous example (in local ZORAN version). It is necessary to enter manually these data into internet Partnership System ZORAN version.
    2. Monthly distributed data.
    3. Monthly distributed increasing data.
    4. Common result data - the same data from previous example; generated by author using internet-ZORAN calculations. It is necessary to mention that in this case only first and second table string data were generated by internet-ZORAN. All other data were generated by author, because internet ZORAN version is more limited than local ZORAN version.

P. S. Please, don't forget that You can use standard search forms which were placed in the main English page of my home site with ''artificial intelligence system'', ''artificial intelligence conception'', ''artificial intelligence, expert system'', ''exclusive consulting services'', ''artificial intelligence for exclusive consulting services'', ''expert system for exclusive consulting services'', ''conception of artificial reason'', ''conception of artificial personality'' inquiries to find necessary information in,,,,

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